
Evaluation Report for the IMU Trip



17TH JULY 2009


Overall Evaluation

- A trip to IMU (International Medical University) was organized by the Pre-Medical Society.

- 5 teachers, 34 members attended, plus 2 excos.

- It was not specified whether the excursion was exclusive to only Pre-Medical members, however all that attended were interested in pursuing a career in medicine.

- Most students were from Cambridge A Levels and a few were from South Australian Metriculation.

- Admission was RM5.

- We took a bus to the destination, and the bus fee was paid for by IMU. Their allowance was RM300.

- A talk was given by a lecturer from IMU.

- A tour was given by 3 students. The group had to split up into 3.

- Refreshments were served.

- The bus took us back to Taylor’s University College, Main Campus.


Planning stage

- No problems occurred.

During Event

- Bus left 30 minutes late.

- Tour groups returned to the hall late, thus making the bus wait for us for over 30 minutes.

Suggestions to improve

- Ensure that everyone is present at the designated meeting area 10 minutes before the bus arrives.

- Offer a wider range of activities at IMU. For example, to sit in a lecture to see how the lectures are like and interact with more students.


- Attendance was very good; some people had to be rejected due to the lack of space.

- The talk given was very interesting and informative.

- The tour given by the students was definitely very thorough.

What we have learnt

- What courses IMU offers.

- The various options we can follow through with. (Local, tweening.)

- Layout and uses of facilities in IMU.

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