
Charity Event.

The Pre-Medical Society has collaborated a charity event with the Welfare and Charity Keen Youth Society (WACKY) and the American Degree Program (ADP) with the theme, ‘ In Aids of Little Hands’, which was in support of UNICEF and Agathian’s Home. This event was held from 7th till 9th of July 2010.A joint effort between the above mentioned, this event comprises of a 3-day campaign which includes the charity sales on the 7th July and the conference on the 8th July. The charity night concert with the theme, “Faire la Charite” was held on the 9th July whereby all the proceeds of the ticket sales and drinks on that day was channeled to the Agathian Home. However, the sales of items throughout the campaign was provided to UNICEF. Besides fund-raising, the ultimate objective of our event would be to instill awareness amongst students towards the welfare of underprivileged children.