
Pre Medical Science Quiz

Biology and general science related questions.
30 multiple choice questions and 5 short response questions (for preliminaries).
For finals, it will be in a game-show format!

Date : 5th August 2009, Wednesday
Venue : LT2
Time : 3 pm

If you have class at 3pm-4pm, just leave a little early from your lecture and be at LT2 by 3.45pm.

Registration fee is RM5. This fee is channeled to Pre Med's Society's MERCY MALAYSIA FUND!

Attractive cash prizes to be won! Certificated will be given to finalists as well!
(The finals is on the next day, Thursday!)

Do look out for the poster around campus for more details or just log on to the Student Portal for more information! After logging in, go to SERVICES, then look under the ECA section. All the Pre-Med activities are usually promoted there!
Do take part, and do not hesitate to contact us at premed.society@gmail.com!


Evaluation Report for the IMU Trip



17TH JULY 2009


Overall Evaluation

- A trip to IMU (International Medical University) was organized by the Pre-Medical Society.

- 5 teachers, 34 members attended, plus 2 excos.

- It was not specified whether the excursion was exclusive to only Pre-Medical members, however all that attended were interested in pursuing a career in medicine.

- Most students were from Cambridge A Levels and a few were from South Australian Metriculation.

- Admission was RM5.

- We took a bus to the destination, and the bus fee was paid for by IMU. Their allowance was RM300.

- A talk was given by a lecturer from IMU.

- A tour was given by 3 students. The group had to split up into 3.

- Refreshments were served.

- The bus took us back to Taylor’s University College, Main Campus.


Planning stage

- No problems occurred.

During Event

- Bus left 30 minutes late.

- Tour groups returned to the hall late, thus making the bus wait for us for over 30 minutes.

Suggestions to improve

- Ensure that everyone is present at the designated meeting area 10 minutes before the bus arrives.

- Offer a wider range of activities at IMU. For example, to sit in a lecture to see how the lectures are like and interact with more students.


- Attendance was very good; some people had to be rejected due to the lack of space.

- The talk given was very interesting and informative.

- The tour given by the students was definitely very thorough.

What we have learnt

- What courses IMU offers.

- The various options we can follow through with. (Local, tweening.)

- Layout and uses of facilities in IMU.


Meeting with members

Details below:-

Date : 20th July 2009
Day : Monday
Time : 3.20 - 4.00 pm (Briefing 1)
4.00 - 4.40 pm (Briefing 2)
Venue : LT 7

Please do attend one of these sessions. It will deal with the same issues but will cater to those who have to leave the campus by 4 pm and those who have lectures till 4 pm. All non-members are welcome to join the society in this meeting, or get a preview on what this society is about.
Please do spread the word. Attending this meeting would be extremely beneficial as you will be able to get actively involved in the upcoming events.
Do contact the society for any enquiries by emailing premed.taylors@gmail.com


June Update

Hi teachers and members! These are the activities that we have done in June:

1) Analysed the Premed Health Survey.
2) Published and evaluated the survey and made recommendations to the college about it.

In July, we plan to:
1) Do a visit to IMU (17 July)
2) Participate in Taylor's Carnival by opening a stall and recruit new members on the 31st July.

BTW, our AGM will be on the 4th of August, from 3 to 4pm at LT7.
Hopefully all of you can come (take note, attendance will be recorded) as we'll be recaping our progress, future events and collecting names for new EXCO posts.

Thank you.

Yours sincerely,
Ridhwan Firdaus bin Ramli
Pre-Medical Society.