
First Aid Seminar Evaluation Report

A participant doing CPR on dummy named 'Little Anne'

Demonstration on the recovery position.

Mr Murugan Naigu Panditha

Overall Evaluation

- A first aid training seminar organized by the Pre-Medical Society.
19 members attended, plus 3 excos.
It was exclusive for Pre-Medical Society members only.
Admission was free.
The speaker invited was Mr Murugan Naigu Panditha, the Hon. Secretary of PBSMM Selangor Branch.
- He had previously been very active in PBSMM, having been sent to countries such as Pakistan and Acheh to do relief and humanitarian works.
- He had previously been awarded the prestigious Tokoh Maulidur Rasul Award in the year 2006 and Young Humanitarian Award in 2007.
The seminar gave exposure to members on first aid skills, mainly on Cardio Pulmanory Resuscitation (CPR) and the recovery position.
Members were given a handout on CPR and a once in a lifetime chance to do CPR on a CPR dummy.
The speaker also gave motivational quotes to further encourage members to pursue their dreams of becoming future doctors.

- The speaker, who conducted the seminar for free, was given a token of appreciation sponsored by ECA at the end of the session.


- Proceedings of seminar went smoothly.
Seminar was not boring, very interesting, interactive, hands on and very informative.
Members were taught on vital first aid knowledge that may make them as lifesavers one day.

What we have learnt

- The latest, up-to-date method of conducting CPR.
The recovery position of patients.
The importance of possessing first-aid skills.


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