
General Meeting Reminder!

A gentle reminder to all once more! Pre-Medical Society will be having our General Meeting for all the new July Intakes of 2016! But hey, we're opening this up to all the other intakes as well so do drop by as we will be updating everyone on our upcoming Hallmark event  :)

p/s : if you caught on up with the hallmark's theme; indeed, it involves zombies 

MMSS 2016

It's been a week since our fellow Pre-Med students studying in Taylor's College attended MMSS 2016! A huge thank you to MMI for organizing such a fun event!


General Meeting

Hey guys! Don't forget to come for our club's general meeting on Monday 4 - 5.30 pm at Lecture Theatre 1 ...


Pre-Med T-Shirt Sale

Selamat Hari Raya everyone!
What a possibly great way to celebrate this month of raya by buying a new shirt! This month, Pre-Med will start off with our club t-shirt sale!

So what are you waiting for? Come and order Pre Med's shirt via the link:

Looking for samples of the said shirt? Do not fret! A booth in front of doughnuts will be opened after the holidays. This booth will also act as the payment collection booth.
•Time 11AM to 4PM
•Date  11th July to 14th July

Come check the booth out!