Hey I know this is really really kinda old but as we BOD of Premed,we are really busy this few months as all of us are preparing for our AS finals as well as our treasurer is preparing for her SAM trials.Anyway this is what I will post about.
On th 7th and 8th of August,we,Pre Med Society organized a blood donation drive from 9.30am to 4 pm.It was at the Staff Lounge(the room at the cafeteria for your info).At first we thought none of the students in Taylors will donate their blood.However surprisingly many step forward to donate.
I thank all of you guys and girls who came and support this campaign.
Here are the pictures taken:
These are the only pictures we managed to take as all most donors do not wish to be taken.
Finally,we would like to announce that this will be our last activity for this year.Since everyone is having an exam,we decided to stop as well.However if there is any new events you people will be updated through this blog and through flyers.
On behalf of the Pre Med Society,I thank you guys in advance for being very supportive this year in all our activities.I also wish you all best in your exams,SAM,AS,A2 and ICPU and may you all be doctors...good doctors(That's why we're all in Pre Med right?? =])
Signing off.